Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, which is a carrier of the same name study program, has a long tradition and a reputation with globally recognized results. During four years of graduate studies and one year of master studies, future bioengineers are educated to participate in the performance, optimization, improvement and control of many biotechnological processes. Besides the introduction with all important traditional biotechnological processes, future bioengineers are trained to be leaders and main participants in the development and implementation of new biotechnology processes, based on the principles of energy savings and the protection of human health and the environment. Many biotechnological processes are based on reusing waste materials of food industry and agriculture, which are the main industrial areas in Serbia, and the development of biotechnology is of vital importance in recent years.
Biotechnologies are natural, sustainable and offer solutions for many current issues, such as shortages of energy, food and environmental pollution. These processes are based on the use of microorganisms, enzymes, whole plant and animal cells, or parts of them, for the production a wide range of products in food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries such as: bakery and fodder yeast, beer, wine, alcohol, organic acids, solvents, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, polysaccharides, surfactants, bioinsecticides, biopesticides, bio-fuels, pharmaceutical and diagnostic agents.
The study program is accredited and aligned with programs at renowned universities in the world and in Europe and follows the latest trends and the state of science in the field of biotechnology. All courses and curricula are clearly distinguishable and in good correlation with similar courses in the world, allowing general recognition and unimpeded mobility of students. Despite the large number of elective courses, core of the study program involves biochemistry, enzymology, microbiology, genetics, biotechnological processes, as well as food biotechnology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, chemical biotechnology and environmental biotechnology.
Master study programs give students opportunity to choose one of the two modules:
- Biochemical Engineering and
- Food Technology.
Module Biochemical Engineering has an accent on engineering education where students are trained to optimize, control and manage of biotechnological processes. In addition to the basic subjects such as: transport phenomena, optimization, modeling and design of bioprocesses, students can choose one group of elective courses and to gain professional knowledge in metabolic and genetic engineering, biosensors, molecular diagnostics, energy integration process, as well as to become familiar with modern bioanalytical techniques. In the foreground are placed biotechnological process for production: biogas, ethanol, methanol, hydrogen and biodiesel, as well as the production in integrated biotechnological systems based on waste biomass from agriculture and industry. In addition, they are trained to work in project offices, research and development organizations in the field of biochemical engineering and biotechnology.
Module Food Technology has an accent on specific processes in food industry, raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, process parameters and their cross-interactions, equipment and working principles in the production of malt and beer, sugar, starch and its derivatives, fats and oils, and fermented dairy product. Students who decide to choose this module will acquire the necessary theoretical and experimental knowledge in food chemistry, food analysis, food microbiology and microbiological analysis. Also, students can choose elective courses in the field of quality management and food safety, application standards, food packaging, as well as in the application of enzymes in traditional food processes and in new processes for the production of bioactive substances, which can be used as a ingredients in a production of functional foods, foods with improved nutritional and energy values. Presence of functional foods in a human diet can further improve human health and wellbeing.
Professional occupation of graduate students (bachelor and master) is recognizable in the industry and the future engineers are trained to work in all areas of biotechnology and food industries including breweries, wine, spirit and starch factories, vinegar and dairy factories, alcohol and yeast plants, factories for producing chemicals, pharmaceutical and diagnostic products, plants for water and waste treatment. The engineers of this profile are also able to work in schools and the project offices, research and development institutes, in organizations involved in the distribution of raw materials, equipment, products, as well as in organizations for the supervision of hygiene, sanitation and food safety.
You can watch the video related to the activities at the department on the link:
Особље катедре
Професор емеритус
Редовни професор
- проф. др Дејан Безбрадица
- проф. др Зорица Кнежевић-Југовић
- проф. др Маја Вукашиновић-Секулић
- проф. др Марица Ракин
- проф. др Сузана Димитријевић-Бранковић
Ванредни професор
Асистент доктор наука
Виши научни сарадник
- др Катарина Михајловски
- др Маја Булатовић
- др Марија Милић
- др Марија Ћоровић
- др Милица Симовић
- др Невена Луковић
Научни сарадник
Истраживач сарадник
Истраживач приправник
- Ана Белевић - Хемијски техничар
- Милица Танасковић - Хемијски техничар