
Department of Organic Chemical Technology

The Department of Organic Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy was founded in 1946. Members of the Department teach courses in the following study programs: Chemical Engineering, Material Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. Within Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies, courses are conducted in the following areas:

  • Organic Chemical Technology
  • Reactor Engineering and Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Petrochemical Engineering, Oil and Gas Processing, Biofuels and Alternative fuels
  • Polymer Chemistry and Engineering
  • Separation Processes Under High Pressures
  • Materials Processing Using Supercritical Fluids
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Processing of Oil and Gas
  • Process Design
  • Engineering Management

Our students can find employment in various branches of industry: petrochemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, food, paints and varnishes, packaging etc. They are trained to work as engineers in research and development centers, in design, control, management, in the field related to environmental protection etc. Students can also continue Master and/or Doctoral studies at our Faculty, as well as at foreign universities.

Throughout Bachelor, Master and Doctoral thesis, students are involved in scientific research within the Department, covering different research areas.

Polymer engineering oriented its research towards the synthesis, characterization and processing of natural and synthetic polymers and polymeric materials that, if needed, can be biodegradable, nano-, antimicrobial, bioactive, biocompatible and hemocompatible. Special attention is attributed to degradation and recycling of polymers and polymer materials and to sustainable development.

Research in the field of supercritical fluids application is focused on extractions from plants, optimization and mathematical modeling of processes in packed beds at high pressures, impregnation of solids using supercritical fluids and production of added value materials for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Research activities in the field of oil and petrochemical processing technology are focused on catalytic hydrogenation processes, production of alternative fuels (first and second generation biodiesel, other alternatives), petroleum oil processing processes, catalysis and processes for environmental protection from petroleum pollutants.

Within reactor engineering, most attention is focused on multiphase catalytic reactors, reactions at high pressures and temperatures, modeling and simulation of different types of reactors and reaction processes, and the synthesis of new types of catalysts.

Technological design researches the needs of national oil and petrochemical companies, electric and thermal power systems, in the function of environmental protection, especially for cleaner production. A large number of applied and development projects and technical solutions have been realized for the requirements of the Serbian economy.

Within the Department, twenty-three young researchers are working on several national and international projects.

Cooperation with Industry: NIS GAZPROM NEFT; EPS; HIP Petrochemistry; Henkel; Tigar; Delphi Diesel Systems Ltd.; Veolia GRS; Yunirisk; Pro Voding; Ekolog; INS – New Chemical Syntheses Institute, Poland.

International and national scientific cooperation: Technical University of Hamburg, Germany; Eurotechnica GmbH, Germany; Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania; University in Leuven, Belgium; Agricultural University of Athens, Greece; University of Maribor, Slovenia; National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Institute “Dr. Josif Pančić”; Institute for Nuclear Sciences “Vinča”; Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”; Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials; Institute of Multidisciplinary Research; Economics Institute; Institute for Mining and Metallurgy, Bor; Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Pharmaceutical Faculty; Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad; Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš; Faculty of Sciences, University of Niš; Faculty of Technology, University of Niš.


Research within the Department is financed through national and international projects.


International projects:

EU Project: COST action  CA18125 “Advanced Engineering and Research of aeroGels for Environment and Life Sciences”, Eureca Project E!12689 “Phytopreparations - natural materials with supercritical extracts for controlled release of active components”, E!9906 COMPLNT, OIC Poland-FTM; E!6240 PLANTCOSMEHEL; Bilateral DAAD project Germany-Serbia; E!3490 HEALTHFOOD, UNIDO CP, UNEP Petrohemija EDC, FP7 NANOTECH FTM, TEMPUS MEM, EU CEN, Bilateral project Italy-Serbia; SCOPES Serbia-Slovenia-Switzerland, IZ73ZO_152327/1; IAEA RER/8/014, IAEA F23028.

National projects:

III45017; OI 172062; 1/135; TR 34009; OI 19047; OI 142023; MNTR 145072; TR 19037; MNTR 19027; TR 21006; TR 6716; III45019.

Capital equipment:

  1. Laboratory unit for supercritical extraction - Supercritical Extraction Screening System (Autoclave Engineers Inc., SAD)
  2. Laboratory unit for supercritical extraction and adsorption - High Pressure Unit HPEA 500 (Eurotechnica, GmbH)
  3. High-Pressure View Chamber (Type PD-E350, Eurotechnica, GmbH)
  4. Reactor for high pressure operation - High Pressure Autoclave (Model No. 1220, Ernest Haage Aparatebau GmbH & Co)
  5. Modular reaction system for catalytic processes at high pressures and temperatures with plug flow and Carberry reactor (Autoclave Engineers Inc. USA)
  6. Gas chromatographs
  7. UNISIM and MATLAB software
  8. Gel Permeation Chromatography (Waters)

You can watch the video related to the activities at the department on the link:

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