
MIZS6 - Economics and Environmental Protection

Course specification
Course titleEconomics and Environmental Protection
Study programmeEnviromental Engineering
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ConditionОблик условљености
    The goalAdoption of the basic principles of economic theory and environmental protection policy in accordance with the results of externality economics. Economic objectives of the society, market economy principles, financial mechanisms and instruments for protection of environment and natural resources. Integration of ecology principles into economic and technical projects and general economy objectives of the society. The “polluter – customer pays” principle. Modern ecology taxes, user compensations, eco-funds – economic-legal instruments for protection of environment and natural resources – local, national and supranational level.
    The outcomeProper analytic competences of the students in judging and implementing the concept of economics of environment and natural resources. Possibilities for course attendants to acquire abilities to calculate external economic effects at the end of it, as well as possibilities for their internalisation in evalutation of engineering projects.
    Contents of lecturesEconomics and environment - concept evolution. Externalities and problems with environment and natural resources. Economic aspects of sustainable development and notion of inter-generation justice. Economics and environmental and natural resources' protection policy – technological changes, global market, globalisation. Renewable and non-renewable resources, sustainable production and consumption in industry, energy, transportation, agriculture... Sustainable development and economics of environment and resources in Serbia - basic elements, objectives and possibilities for realization - local, national, European and global dimension.
    Contents of exercisesContent analysis of the works in the area of environmental economics. Calculation of externalities - current and future prices of resources. Energy and material efficiency analysis. Examples of product life cycle analysis and good industry practice from the point of view of sustainable production in Serbia and worldwide.
    1. Petar Djukic, Sustainable Development - A Utopia or A Chance for Serbia, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade 2011, pages 25-40, 57-104, 125-244, 259-310
    2. Petar Djukic, Mile Pavlovski, Ecology and Society part 3 Ecology as Economic Chance, (pages 75-115); and part 4 Ecology and Energy (117-158), Ekocentar Belgrade 1999
    3. Samuelson P. A, Nordhouse, Economics, Edition XVIII, МАТЕ, d.о.о. Belgrade 2009, selected chapters, pages 3-17, 555-597
    4. Bozo Draskovic (rev.), Economic Aspects of Ecology Policy, Institute for Economic Sciences, Belgrade 2012, pages 3-151
    5. Eban Goodstein, Economics and Environment, MATE second edition, Zagreb 2010, pages 3-127; 334-389
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    LecturesExercisesOTCStudy and ResearchOther classes
    Methods of teachingLectures, workshops, discussion, interactive lectures (presentation and discussion of seminar works and students' homeworks)
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligationsPointsFinal examPoints
    Activites during lectures5Test paper40
    Practical lessons5Oral examination