
14MBIP2 - Carbohydrate technology

Course specification
Course titleCarbohydrate technology
Study programmeBiochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ConditionОблик условљености
    The goalThe aim of the course is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge about the main stages of the technological process of obtaining sugar from sugar beet and characteristics of most modern processing methods in different stages, and the appropriate tools and equipment for their performance. In addition, the goal is to gain students knowledge about technological process of starch production, especially from the corn (maize) grain, as well as to inform students about the possibilities of modification of native starch in starch derivatives and their applications.
    The outcomeAfter completion of the course the students will gain knowledge, theoretical and practical, of basic and advanced principles of sugar, starch and starch derivative technology, necessary for future practical and reserch work in this area of industry. ;
    Contents of lecturesSugar Technology ; - Basic principles of beet sugar technology; - Biological and technological properties of sugar beet; - Preparation of sugar beet for extraction: beet reception, beet yard, beet washing and transport to the factory. Washing and mechanically slicing of sugar beets into thin strips called cossettes. ; - Extraction of sugar from cut beets: extraction equipment and process design. ; - Clarification of diffusive juice (principles of cleaning, predefecation and defecation, saturation and defecosaturation, filtration of sugar juice). ; - Juice treatment and evaporation (rotary vacuum filter and other juice heating equipment). ; - Crystallization of the sugar (crystallizing methods and type of centrifugals). ; - Final operations: drying of sugar crystals, processing and sorting of crystals, storage and packaging). ; Starch technology ; - Raw materials for the production of starch; physical and chemical properties of starch. ; - Starch production from the corn (maize) grain (supply/cleaning, corn steeping, the corn wet milling process, fine grinding and extraction, gluten separation and starch refining). ; - Modification starch technology (types of starch modifications and derivatives). ; - Production of starch syrup and starch sweeteners. ; - Applications of starch and starch derivatives. ;
    Contents of exercisesLabs: 1) Evaluation of the technological quality of sugar juice; 2) Methods for determination of the starch content in corn; 3) The determination of Dextrose equivalent (DE) as a measure of the amount of reducing sugars present in a sugar product; 4) Methods for determination of the sucrose content, the invert sugar content, ash and color in several sugar products.
    1. С. Шушић и сарадници: Основи технологије шећера I и II, 2. иновирано и допуњено изд., Пословно удружење индустрије шећера Југославије: ”Југошећер”, Београд, 1995.
    2. Z. Knežević-Jugović, Internal material from lectures and exercises.
    3. Lj. Mojović, Internal material from lectures and exercises.
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    LecturesExercisesOTCStudy and ResearchOther classes
    Methods of teachingTheoretical lectures, laboratory practice, tutorials, seminar.
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligationsPointsFinal examPoints
    Activites during lecturesTest paper30
    Practical lessons20Oral examination30