
D103IZ - Economy of environment and sustainable development �

Course specification
Course titleEconomy of environment and sustainable development �
Study programme
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ConditionОблик условљености
      The goalUnderstanding of key theoretical and empirical contents of environmental protection in the context of realisation of sustainable development concepts. Harmonisation of technological changes with ecology principles and postulates of social balance. Sustainability of contemporary economic structure and its inter-generation harmonisation in economic, social and ecologic sense. Sustainable development, as an answer to economic and technological challenges for environment and natural resources. Realisation of strategies of sustainable development for the EU and Serbia - policy, measures and laws, with a view to achieving macro-economic, social and ecologic objectives in accordance with possible, science-based, democratically adopted principles and solutions.
      The outcomePossibility for course attendants to harmonise the development trends and objectives of the society in technological, economical and social sense in an independent, professional and theoretically competent manner. Capabilities for team economical-technological analysis and independent judgement of economic and ecology efficiency of the projects regarding public interests. Application of cost-benefit analysis to comprehending ecologic and economic consequences as well as utilisation (management) of renewable and non-renewable resources.
      Contents of lecturesEconomics, market and environment - controversies of relations. Externalities and pollution economics. Sustainable development - economic, ecologic and social content, moral principles and notion of inter-generation and intra-generation justice. Three key pillars of sustainable development: knowledge-based economy, balanced social system, protection of resources and environment. Global market, globalisation and sustainable development. Economics of climate changes and sustainable development. Companies and corporate social responsability. Sustainable development and protection of natural resources - the world and Serbia. Sustainable production and consumption in industry, transportation, agriculture... Economics and ecology of protection of waters, air and land. Concept of sustainable development of Serbia: National Strategy of Sustainable Development of the Republic of Serbia - elements, objectives and possibilities for realisation - local, national, European and global dimension.
      Contents of exercisesApplication of methodology and instruments of environmental economics to environmental state analises and sustainable development trends in Serbia. Calculation of internal and external values of economic activity costs. Calculation of natural rent on renewable and non-renewable natural resources, current and future values and market trends of resource values. Discount calculation on the examples of energy and material efficiency. Practical analysis of product life cycle. Examples of sustainable production and consumption, as well as of good industrial practice in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
      1. Petar Djukic, Sustainable Development – a Utopia or a Chance for Serbia, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade University, Belgrade 2011, page 321
      2. Eban Goodstein, Economics and Environment, MATE second edition, Zagreb 2010, pages 3-127; 334-389
      3. Petar Djukic, "Economic Consequences of Climate Changes - Sustainable Response" - collection of scientific papers "Legal and Economic Chalenges of Climatte Changes", Faculty of Law, Belgrade University, Center for Publishing and Informing, pages 11-40
      4. D. Radojevic (rev.) Susatinable Development - Our Mutual Future: National Strategy For Sustainable Development, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Belgrade 2009
      5. Bozo Draskovic (rev.), Economic Aspects of Ecological Policy, Institute for Economic Sciences, Belgrade 2013, selected chapters
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      LecturesExercisesOTCStudy and ResearchOther classes
      Methods of teachingLectures, workshops, discussion - interactive lessons. Analysis (presentation and discourse) of students' seminar works. Team presentations of analyses of individual eco-engineering projects, analysis of the content of documents and students' homeworks. Joined analysis of the content of individual strategic and legal documents in the area of protection of environment and natural resources.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligationsPointsFinal examPoints
      Activites during lectures5Test paper40
      Practical lessons5Oral examination