
22MHH - Food Chemistry

Course specification
Course titleFood Chemistry
Study programmeBiochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ConditionОблик условљености
      The goalThe main aim of the subject is to provide knowledge base needed for formulation of stable and safe food products that fulfill general and specific nutritional requirements.
      The outcomeStudents will gain specific knowledge that enables ingredients selection for formulation and creation of safe food with defined quality; monitoring and improving food production; preserving and controlling food quality. Upon the course completion, a student will be able to identify and control critical points during food production or storage to ensure food quality.
      Contents of lectures1) Introduction to food chemistry (defining terms of macro-, micronutrients, ingredients, and food associated health effects) 2) Water in food (water content, water activity, water activity management by technological processes, rubber and glass transition in food) 3) Carbohydrates (types of carbohydrates in nutrient declarations, nutrient value, prevalence, carbohydrates’ hydrogels, (modified) starches, fibers) 4) Proteins (prevalence, nutritional and biological value, protein complementation, Maillard reaction, gel formation, foam formation, emulsification) 5) Lipids (prevalence, types of lipids, triglycerides and essential fatty acids, nutritional value, emulsifiers, lipid polymorphism, lipid (auto)oxidation, hydrolysis, hydrogenation, trans-esterification) 6) Enzymes (enzymes in food spoilage, industrial enzymes for meat, dairy and fruit processing) 7) Vitamins (prevalence and biological activity, stability during food processing and methods of stabilization) 8) Minerals (micro- and macro-elements, prevalence and biological activity, stability) 9) Pigments (prevalence and major groups – chlorophylls, carotenoids, anthocyanins , flavonoids, stability and biological activity) 10) Aromas (natural and artificial aromas, smell and taste in sensing aroma, stability, production and declaration) 11) Additives (conserving agents, antioxidants, sweeteners etc) 12) Food contaminants (types of contaminants – chemical – toxins and carcinogens, microbes and microbial toxins; health...
      Contents of exercisesDetermination of nutritive and energetic value of food products.
      1. Шилер-Маринковић С., Хемија хране (2015)Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Развојно-истраживачки центар Графичког инжењерства ТМФ, ISBN 978-86-7401-331-1
      2. Belitz H.D., Groshch W., Schieberle P., Food Chemistry (2009) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN-978-3-540-69933-0
      3. Lectures
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      LecturesExercisesOTCStudy and ResearchOther classes
      Methods of teachingTheoretical lectures and seminar
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligationsPointsFinal examPoints
      Activites during lectures20Test paper
      Practical lessonsOral examination60