Contents of lectures | Introduction. Modern steel production. Alloying concept: hardening and strengthening and microstructure control. Clasification of steels and designation: structural steels (carbon and low alloyed), finegrained and thermomechanically processed steels, steels for elevated tempoeratures (low and high alloyed); criogenic steeels (low and high alloyed), quenched and tempered steels (carbon and alloyed); tool steels, high speed steels, stainless steels (ferritic, martensitic, austenitic, dual phase); spring steels, rail steels, maraging steels, deepdfrawing steels, packaging steels, Steel selection. Historical overview on Al use. properties of pure Al. Modern concept of processing. Classification and denomination of Al alloys: (i) Castable alloys; (ii) Wrought Alloys - heat treatable (iii) non heat treatable alloys: Hardening mechanismas. Principles of Thermomechanical processing of Al alloys: control of microstructure and properties; Selection and application of Al alloys. Concept of steel substituition with Al. Structure and properties of copper, titanium and nickel alloys. |