
About the Faculty

The Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy of the University of Belgrade is the leading and the oldest accredited high education, scientific and research institution in our country and the region in the field of chemical technologies.

A long and rich tradition of almost 100 years, over 12.000 graduate engineers, 2.500 with master’s degree and more than 1000 with doctor’s degree, educated at our Faculty, world-recognized scientific results and reputation as well as personnel and material potential of the Faculty guarantee quality both in educational and scientific activiteis during the studies and in scientific and applied research, designing and writing of reports and studies. 

The Faculty educates experts in basic academic, master и doctoral studies within 17 accredited study programs.

Thanks to a high level of theoretical, experimental and practical knowledge and skills acquired during the studies, graduate and master engineers from the Faculty are capable of performing in a wide range or creative jobs in various fields, such as:
• Development of technologies, materials and products
• Designing of processes and facilities
• Running the production process
• Innovations and research
• Transfer of technologies
• Consulting
• Educational activities
• Quality standards
• Marketing
• Management
• Trade

The Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy pays particular attention to its cooperation with economy, scientific and research work and transfer of technologies and knowledge. In order to perform more effiently in those fields, the Faculty includes the following:
Innovation Centre of TMF
Centre for cleaner production
Centre for water technology
Centre for nanotechnologies and functional materials
Centre for graphic engineering RIC
Centre for pulp, paper, packaging and graphics industry

Dedication to the quality of teaching, scientific work and activities and cooperation with business entities is also confirmed by the fact that the Faculty is certified for an integrated system of quality management by the certifying body  YUQS-Belgrade for the systems:
SRPS ISO 9001:2008 Quality system management
SRPS ISO 14001:2005 Environmental protection system management
SRPS OHSAS 18001:2008 Management of health and safety at work